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We are a loving family of hope-filled believers who deeply experience the love and presence of God and partner with Jesus to express the joy and power of His kingdom in every area of life.

In a new community or congregation, sometimes it’s hard to find out where to start. The Connect, Grow, and Serve opportunities below are amazing ways to begin your journey of building relationships, becoming more like Christ, and investing your strength into this healthy, growing church family! 


Music Ministry

 We believe leading worship starts with cultivating a life of worship. Worship is a key integral part of setting the atmosphere for the Word to be received and activated.  Worship is the place where God inhabits and changes and delivers lives. Our hearts are made soft and pliable to the will of God.




Men's Ministry


The mission of Men of Honor is to build up men who make a significance in the world. We will do this by creating space for men to connect and do life together in the LWF environment. There will be gatherings as well as specific events and activity groups for men to take part in. The point of this ministry is to equip and empower men to live life to the max.  Sharpening one another, experiencing God's presence and walking in love everyday.

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Women's Ministry


Women's of Virtue is a groups designed to create a safe place for women to connect on a deeper level, with intentionality. In life, we have ups and downs. During the up times we celebrate with one another and during the downs, we mourn with each other. We know that God works all things together for our good, but sometimes just knowing that is not enough you also need someone to believe it with you, or for you when you can’t believe it for your own situation. Much like doing everyday life with friends, sometimes you study the Word together, sometimes you pray with each other, lots of times you laugh together, sometimes you process life and questions together, always you encourage each other, and sometimes you cry together. Having a group of ladies to stand with you, cheer you on or just believe with you, makes the journey more enjoyable. We hope you find that here in Women of Virtue. 

Kidz Church Ministry

The Children’s Ministry desires children to encounter God, His works, and develop healthy lifestyles and relationships. Their mission is to have the children experience the presence of God by investing a considerable amount of time each week in worship, sharing and hearing testimonies, and learning to consistently pay attention to what the Lord is doing around them.

Volunteer Groups


We are a community of believers that live to serve the dream of God. We believe God’s heart is for each person to be connected to Him and His body, through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus; resulting in wholeness of spirit, soul, and body and the expansion of His Kingdom within St Clair County. We are empowered to pursue to this reality through Christ’s unconditional love for us and our love for one another. We pursue transformation in individuals and communities in LWF by demonstrating the love of Jesus through meeting practical needs, healing the sick, bringing deliverance, and preaching the message of Salvation through faith in Jesus.

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